Article Written by: Halle Cobb
Raise your hand if you’re tired of being bombarded by Netflix and the network trying to sell you on fake reality television shows such as “Too Hot to Handle” or anything beginning with “The real housewives”? Too often, America’s audiences have had their intelligences insulted by the producers who are trying to tell us their shows are just “real-life recorded” when we all know they are fake. We can tell when the producers have finely crafted drama or flat-out written the script. Well here’s a breath of fresh air because for the first time in history, I think I have actually found a real reality tv show, and a dating show at that!
This past November, I attended the Ft. Worth movie premiere of Zodiac Crush, a pilot for a tv show concept of dating using astrology and numerology as a guide. The thing most intriguing about this show, (aside from the novelty of the astrology aspect), was that none of it appeared to be staged. Although of course it was edited I’m sure, the producers didn’t shy away from leaving in any awkward moments that revealed the true personalities of each person. I won’t even refer to the cast members as actors or characters, because you could tell they were just being themselves.
To provide some context, the show has the lead bachelorette Michelle, and she goes on dates with five men- Duan’yay, Blake, Rocky, Detuan (my personal favorite), and Angelo. For example, while on a hiking date with Rocky, Michelle decides to try a berry she picks and then starts coughing and spitting it up. This could have easily been edited out, but the producers left it in for obvious comedic relief, but also just to highlight that there is beauty in loving people for who they are. Another example of this is whenever there is a group date and it is a competition to see who loses at a board game and goes home. It wasn’t a rigged game and the winners weren’t pre-determined- just a group of people enjoying a good time while there happens to be a camera aimed at them.
This television show I think has the potential to start a movement. Maybe the hidden message behind this type of filming isn’t to make a lesser-quality film, but to share the idea that the often “edited-out” flaws of people, is what makes them who they are. Perhaps we should celebrate the things about each other that others may think are not “fit for Hollywood”. Maybe, just maybe, dating isn’t about finding that “perfect person”, but rather finding someone who’s flaws you fall in love with. Cheers to real reality television shows that I hope you tune in to, while tuning out, all the fakeness.

Halle Cobb